 LOCAL 13 Bio
LOCAL 13 comes straight out the East Side of Fresno Ca. A couple of
stoner's, a few phat computers, our own studio, and hella' dank weed.
That's how we do it. A bunch of down bro's, the LOCAL 13 consist's
of The FALC & HIPP, together we create the funk that is the stoner rap,
Falc writes the lyrics, Hipp makes the beats and the 13 crew puts the
shit on the streets, Bottom Line! Falc and Hipp have been in the music
game for many years in different styles from thrash metal to rock, to
funk/rap, and it's all good with them. Having gotten tired of a few failed
record deals with the groups they had been involved with as well as the
groups themselves folding, Falc and Hipp never wanting to give up
cause' the music is in them said fuck it and did their own thing.
That thing is called LOCAL 13 and it is some Phat Fuckin' Stoner Rap
music like the underground rap scene has never heard or seen. Think
about it, 2 metalhead/rockers with long ass greasy, scrubby hair and
unshaven faces make a rap group cause' they love the phat beats and
heavy basslines, of which allow the expression of anything you are feeling
to be laid down on top like a rug., thus equals the 13 Stoner Rap yall'...
With 5000 copies of the debut E.P. called "Straight Gettin' Ripped" in
the hands of stoners all over the world, a merchandise company who
believes in the 13 enough to supply them with the phattest gear any
major group let alone an unknown underground group could imagine,
the dopest crew of POTna's willing to give everything they got to make
sure the 13 shows are done professionally, the coolest street teams
any group could think of having who will actually make copies of the
CD samplers and fliers themselves and give them away, the 13 dancers
who will put it down for us every time even though they usually get paid
for that shit.. heh-heh.. What more can we say, the whole LOCAL 13 Crew
is the Total Fuckin' Package, Tell Me If Your Down With The 13, Hell Yeah!!!
Peace Out from the whole LOCAL 13 Crew